The success of a company highly depends on it’s inter organization interactions and communications. In this era of technology CRM is the discipline handling such issues. This is where the use of CRM software’s come into consideration. But properly developed CRM software is not cheap. At the same time there are companies providing Open Source CRM Software.

When we talk about Open Source CRM software the most recommended company is SugarCRM. They provide a comprehensive Open Source CRM software. The software provides all basic needs of a company as expected for a developed CRM. Not only basic but many complicated functionalities can be incorporated within the system with the use of number of modules easily available over web.

While working with the software we needed a module for providing comprehensive access control over the number of applications in the system. The Open Source Software was incorporated with Role Management module. Security Suite is a suite of security features with multiple security group (team) assignments per record. Combining Role Management module & Security Suite we achieved proper access controls over the system. Accesses over applications were teams and role specific. Many such applications are available for SugarCRM over the web.